Videomobil: Buus

Wednesday, 12.5.
8 pm

Taking art beyond the walls

With the newly initiated project "Videomobil", a van equipped with projection technique is on the road in the Basel region in the month of May. In short evening screenings (approx. 45 min), the Videomobil visits six communities of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft, weather permitting, and presents a selection of video works, mainly from the - Sammlung Neue Medien Baselland collection, on outdoor squares. With works by Erich Busslinger, Clément Cogitore, Lena Eriksson, Dirk Koy, Reinhard Manz, Pipilotti Rist, Gerda Steiner & Jörg Lenzlinger and Andrea Wolfensberger, among others.

The Kunsthaus-Videomobil will be accompanied by Ines Goldbach and the Kunsthaus team. The number of participants is limited. The current protection and hygiene measures apply, with compulsory sitting and wearing of masks. The project is generously supported by, the Jubiläumsstiftung der Schweizerischen Mobiliar Genossenschaft and Novartis.

Wednesday, May 12, 8 pm: Buus
Vorplatz Mehrzweckhalle, Talweg 1, 4463 Buus

Further dates and locations:

Tuesday, May 11, 8 pm: Grellingen
Gemeindehausplatz, Baselstrasse 6, 4203 Grellingen

Monday, May 17, 8 pm: Röschenz
Dorfplatz, 4244 Röschenz

Tuesday, May 18, 8 pm: Waldenburg
Torplatz beim Adelberg, 4437 Waldenburg

Wednesday, May 19, 8 pm: Oltingen
Ochsenplatz, Schafmattstrasse 6, 4494 Oltingen

Thursday, May 20, 8 pm: Hölstein
Pausenplatz Schulhaus Rübmatt, Gassenbachweg 15, 4434 Hölstein

February 2025

March 2025