Peace or Never

21.8.  —

«Next Generation»

Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Institut Art Gender Nature HGK FHNW

Peace or Never Charamandas IAGN 2022 CHK
Dimitra Charamandas, Scar Tissue, 2022, acrylic and oil on cotton, ceramics, sulfur Installation view Peace or Never, Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Institute Art Gender Nature HGK FHNW, Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland 2022. Photo: Christian Knörr
Peace or Never Kohli Santome IAGN 2022 CHK
Diego Kohli, Erratic Behaviour; Heatwave, both 2022, charcoal on unprimed cotton Paula Santomé, Hug Me Barefoot, 2022, unfired clay, various materials Installation view Peace or Never, Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Institute Art Gender Nature HGK FHNW, Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland 2022. Photo: Christian Knörr
Peace or Never Meisser Megumi Sonego IAGN 2022 CHK
Anna Meisser, tell me how to handle this shit ton of anger, 2022, ceramics, charcoal drawing Claire Megumi Masset, I ay eye aille 愛 – sticky eyelashes behind lavender sunglasses { it’s all real + add shiny filter }, 2022, performance, various materials, sound loop Fabio Sonego, Treasure Map 38; Treasure Map 39; Treasure Map 40, all 2022, ink on paper Installation view Peace or Never, Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Institute Art Gender Nature HGK FHNW, Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland 2022. Photo: Christian Knörr
Peace or Never Morales Delano IAGN 2022 CHK
Manuela Libertad Morales Délano, La Montaña que come Hombres, 2022, Installation views Peace or Never, Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Institute Art Gender Nature HGK FHNW, Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland 2022. Photo: Christian Knörr
Peace or Never Palle IAGN 2022 CHK
Joan Pallé, To gain speed, to move faster, 2022, Installation view Peace or Never, Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Institute Art Gender Nature HGK FHNW, Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland 2022. Photo: Christian Knörr
Peace or Never Stauffer IAGN 2022 CHK
Ruben Stauffer, On our way towards, 2022, fabric from wool Installation view Peace or Never, Graduation Exhibition Bachelor and Master Institute Art Gender Nature HGK FHNW, Basel, Kunsthaus Baselland 2022. Photo: Christian Knörr