Lena Maria Thüring
2007 Diploma, Department of Art & Media, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)
2014 Master of Arts in Fine Arts, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK)
Since 2014 Lecturer, Art Institute, Basel University of the Arts (FHNW)
Since 2014 Member of the Audiovision and Multimedia committee BS/BL
Lives and works in Zurich
Ernte 2016
18.3. —
1.5.2016Ankäufe des Kantons Basel-Landschaft
Making Visible!
18.10. —
17.11.2013Arbeiten mit der Sammlung Neue Medien Baselland dotMov.bl
Keywords and the powers of eloquence
15.9. —
11.11.2012Wie in der Sprache Macht und Identität verhandelt werden
How power and identity are dealt with in language
Lena Maria Thüring
21.5. —
10.7.2011Kamikaze Style
Regionale 10
29.11.2009 —