Doris Lasch
Without having to fall into linear time.
PublikationDie Publikation wurde anlässlich der Ausstellung von Doris Lasch im Kunsthaus Baselland veröffentlicht und begleitet von dem Text The Love of images von Dominiek Hoens und ein Interview mit Ines Goldbach.
“…Perhaps one thing becomes apparent here: the publication, which, being another printing, lies like a filter between things. Additional distance, a shift in space and time, is added, in that I now leaf through a book and I don’t move through an exhibition or visit the artist in her studio. It is that of a work of translation, i.e. I can open mental spaces in order to imagine that I move through an exhibition…” (Doris Lasch)
Ines Goldbach, Kunsthaus Baselland -
Astrid Seme
2017 -
ISBN 978-3-9524774-0-3 -
CHF 10