Pia Fries


Since the 1990s, Pia Fries has undisputedly been one of the leading international figures in painting. Born in Beromünster (CH) in 1955, the artist has lived in Düsseldorf since the 1980s and in recent years has worked as a professor at Berlin University of the Arts and the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.

This publication was created to accompany Pia Fries’s solo exhibition at Kunsthaus Baselland and is the first to combine current and historical exhibition photographs with a variety of different texts, including a literary text by Sophia Remer, an art history essay by journalist and author Niklaus Oberholzer, and a conversation between Pia Fries and Ines Goldbach.

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230503 Pia Fries Katalog Umschlag NEWSLETTER
  • Editor
    Ines Goldbach, Kunsthaus Baselland
  • Editing
    Ines Goldbach, Ines Tondar
  • Graphic Design

    Supersoft (Zoe Barceló und Filip Despotović)

  • Publisher

    VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst, Wien

  • Year
  • ISBN
  • Price
    CHF 18

This publication accompanies the exhibition