Last Day: Beehave

Sunday, 11.11.
2 pm
2-4 pm

Kids-Workshop Kunstschwärmen with Ines Tondar, art education Kunsthaus Baselland


Language: German

4 pm

Joan Miró und die Bienen. Javier Arnaldo, professor of Art History at Universidad Complutense Madrid

5 PM

Bits and Bytes im Honigtopf. Randolf Menzel, professor emeritus of neurobiology and zoology at Freie Universität Berlin and leading expert on the neural system of bees

6 PM

Verantwortung, Kunst und MoBees. Über neue Ansätze, Gesellschaftsinnovationen breit abzustützen. Dorothea Strauss, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, die Mobiliar and former director of Haus Konstruktiv Zurich and Kunsthalle St. Gallen.

From 7.30 pm: Immer wieder sonntags

A cooking and food format directed by artist Sandra Knecht offering 5 courses and 1 schnapps for CHF 100.-, dedicated on this occasion to the bee. All other ingredients – apart from seasoning – come from the Basel region or from farming and fishing friends. Participation is limited to 30, booking required. Location: Kunsthaus Baselland.

This event accompanies the exhibition

February 2025

March 2025