Bianca Pedrina
2004—05 Vorkurs School of Art and Design, Basel
2005 Photography Internship, Wolfgang Stahr, Berlin
2006—2009 Diploma BA Fine Arts, Bern University of the Arts
2010—11 Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main, Professor Judith Hopf
2011 Residency, Studio Basel, Cité des Arts, Paris
2014 Project grant, Fachausschuss AVM BS/BL
2014—2017 Curator of Schwarzwaldallee in collaboration with Karin Borer, Daniel Kurth and Lorenz Wiederkehr
2015 Winner, Talents Competition C/O Berlin
2015 Grant of the Cristina Spoerri Stiftung
2016 Participation at the international summer academy, Alps Art Academy, Safiental
2016 Project grant, Fachausschuss Film und Medienkunst BS/BL
2016 Grant of the UBS Kulturstiftung
Lives and works in Basel and Vienna