Svenja Schennach
2017 BA art education, art academy fhnw hgk basel, CH
2017 summer school oil painting class at ArtStudentsLeague new york, US
2018-2019 erasmus exchange BA fine arts, artez bearn, arnhem, NL
2017-2019 BA fine arts, art academy fhnw hgk basel, CH
05.2017 „Be Read“ Project-participation at Art Book Fair „I never read“ Kaserne, Basel
09.2017 art educational project, sharyar nashat, Kunsthalle Basel
10.2017 Teilnahme „Army of love“ Workshop with Ingo Niermann, Doria Garcia, at CASCO utrecht, NL
11.2017 Performance Bodies/Images zu Sharyar Nashats Ausstellung, Kunsthalle Basel
01.2018 end semester exhibition FHNW Hochschule Gestaltung Basel, at TANK Basel
04.2018 ACT Zürich; Dancing-Performance „terrarium“, Bahnhof Altstetten, Zürich
04.2018 ACT Basel; Dancing-Performance „trouble instinct“, Unternehmen Mitte, Basel
05.2018 Performance „QUEL CIRQUE“, ein Kollektivprojekt at Kaskso, Basel
05.2018 video screening „human wants“ at oslo space, Basel
06.2018 Performance-Walk for Daniel Jacoby an der LISTE, Basel
06.2018 PANCH performance photography, LISTE, basel
06.2018 group exhibiton in public space Sonnenberg, Kriens innerhalb B-Sides Festival, Luzern
07.2018 dancing for video piece „gender dance“ with Minnie Wendy, DK
11.2018 collective cofounder of project/Initiative „the school of missing_“ with Anik Fournier, James Beckett, Arnhem NL
01.2019 exhibition BEAR, artez Arnhem, NL
05.2019 ACT performance festival Zürich, CH
05.2019 screening of video work „support I“, hgk, basel, CH
08.2019 exhibition BA fine arts, Kunsthaus Basel-Land, CH