The Kunsthaus Baselland strives to facilitate meaningful collaborations with pedagogical institutions (schools of all levels, technical colleges, colleges of education, universities etc.) and offers a broad programme for teachers and students. Multifaceted, engaging subjects are dealt with through tours, workshops, research days, project weeks or CPD activities for teachers. Teachers can gain inputs from us for their own teaching. They gain an understanding of methods of mediation which can be used — depending on the exhibition or project — in both the taught art context and in subjects beyond art. The Kunsthaus Baselland can be understood as a complementary teaching space alongside the classroom where preparation and subsequent processing take place. Art is understood and absorbed as a catalyst for everyone’s own creativity through practical workshops which can be organised in combination with all exhibition programmes. Our mediation formats are suitable for all school levels and subjects. The price is defined according to the offer and particular requirements. Special conditions apply for city and cantonal schools.
If you are interested in what we have to offer please phone (+41) 61 563 15 10 or email us. We will be delighted to take your booking and are of course available to answer your questions.
You can sign up for our newsletter for teachers here.
Contact: Meret Glausen, on Tuesday and Friday, 9 am–5 pm
Our team is available to answer questions or take bookings from Tuesday–Friday from 9 am–5 pm.
Do you want to profit more from art and support it at the same time? Start a friendship with art. Become a member of the Kunstverein Baselland!
For Teachers
An Introduction to the Exhibition
At the start of every exhibition we invite teachers to a free tour so they can get to know the exhibiting artists’ focuses, their work and related topics. We demonstrate how these topics and lines of enquiry can fruitfully be integrated in teaching.
We look forward to your registration!
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, 4 February, 5 – 6 pm
Standard Mediation
We offer a multifaceted range of tours, workshops, project week programmes, courses or course series for kindergartens and school classes of all ages and for an array of subjects. We would be happy to develop a tailor-made programme in collaboration with you. This offer can be availed of with or without an art educator being present for the course.
The following options are designed for groups of up to 25 people.
Formen und Farben in der zeitgenössischen Kunst
Buchbar Di—Fr
Nach Absprache
Beginn ab
8.30 Uhr möglich
90 Min.
Die Schüler*innen setzen sich mit den variantenreichen Gestaltungstechniken der Gegenwartskunst auseinander und können sich über ihre Empfindungen und Beobachtungen austauschen.
Kosten: Auf Anfrage
Für alle Stufen geeignet
Die drei Türme – Architektur eines Kunsthauses
Buchbar Di—Fr
Nach Absprache
Beginn ab
8.30 Uhr möglich
90 Min.
Ganz im Zeichen des neuen Museumsbaus gehen die Gruppen mit dem Fokus auf Raumwirkungen und Perspektiven durchs Haus und entdecken dabei die unterschiedlichen Wirkungen und Strukturen der Architektur.
Kosten: Auf Anfrage
Für alle Stufen geeignet
Französisch im Kunsthaus
Buchbar Di—Fr
Nach Absprache
Beginn ab
8.30 Uhr möglich
60 Min.
Auf Französisch über Kunst sprechen? Mais Oui! Unsere Vermittlerinnen laden Schüler*innen ein sich auf Französisch über ästhetische Themen zu unterhalten.
Your Own Voyage of Discovery
Tuesday—Friday, 10 am—5 pm
8.30 am start possible on agreement
15 minutes
We welcome you and your school or kindergarten class to the exhibition with a short introduction. The introductory words facilitate the schoolchildren’s entry into the exhibition, which they can subsequently walk through and discover on their own. Can be booked in combination with a practical element.
Cost: 30 CHF
Suitable for all school ages
Introductions and guided tours for Sek II and students
Bookable Tuesday–Friday
8.30 am start possible on agreement
90 minutes
A dialogue-based tour of the exhibition provides information on the works and artists.
Duration: 15 min.Cost: 30 CHF + admission
Duration: 60 min.
Cost: 100 CHF + admission
Workshop zu
Buchbar Di—Fr
Nach Absprache
Beginn ab
8.30 Uhr möglich
60 Min.
Wann ist ein Video ein Kunstwerk? Was sind Bewegtbilder? Welche Wirkung hat das gewählte Medium?
Kosten: 145 CHF
Für alle Schulstufen geeignet. Ausserdem als Teamevent und Weiterbildung.
Current Workshop Programme
Read the article "Mediation should take place in the midst of art", published in the Basler Schulblatt (26.6.2023) here.
Where does culture meet nature? Leonardo Bürgi Tenorio's artworks made from a wide variety of materials delve deep into environmental issues and create new perspectives. In the workshop, we approach the exhibition objects influenced by nature. Sculptures will be made from various materials collected from culture and nature and staged on site.